
Why We Give
Why We Give

Grace Bible Fellowship is a body of believers “SERVING God and our communities with all that has been entrusted to us”. This includes giving of our resources (time, talent, and treasure)– of our first-fruits – as the Biblical standard of giving. Giving is done as an undesignated offering to the “storehouse” ministry of a local church. According to the Scriptures, we are to give cheerfully, regularly, systematically, proportionately, and liberally for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. 2 Corinthians 8-9Leviticus 27:30Proverbs 3:9-1Luke 6:38

Give Online

Thank you for supporting our church! Click the link below to give online safely and securely!

Through the App

You can also text the word “pushpay” to the number 77977 on your smart phone. From there, you will receive a link to download the App. Once the app is downloaded, search for “Grace Bible Fellowship – Gunter, TX”. Once the destination for your giving is selected, you can make quick, easy, and secure payments straight from your mobile device.

All major credit cards are accepted.

Offering Boxes

Grace Bible’s Offering boxes are silver in color and located in the back of the sanctuary next to the doors.